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Just Say the Word! Lets You Manage Your Smart Home with Ease

A man and his dog in a living space with a device on the side table.

The Benefits of Advanced Voice Control

When you think of voice control for your smart home, you might be hesitant to adopt it as an automation solution. After all, voice assistants sometimes get a bad reputation. But with an innovative brand like, you can rest assured that your system is keeping your data safe and secure while improving your daily lifestyle!

Elevate everyday living across your entire Ottawa, Ontario home by implementing Want to learn more about this innovative and adaptive smart technology? Keep reading below.

SEE ALSO: Work with a Trusted Media Room Installer Like Aura Design

How Is Josh Different?

Ease of Use

There’s no need to sound robotic or stiff while speaking commands to your voice assistant. uses Natural Language Processing technology so that you never have to say a phrase or string of words in a specific way to ensure Josh responds accordingly. Instead, speak to Josh as you would to a family member or friend! This “casual speech” technology makes it incredibly easy to integrate Josh into your daily life and makes it accessible to anyone of any age in your household.

Adapts to Your Personalized Routine

Josh learns! It adapts to what you ask it each day. As it’s always learning and growing, the more you use it and request specific actions from Josh, the more it’ll adapt and create a customized smart home setup catered to you and your preferences. This pattern recognition notes when you want shades lowered and temperatures set to a certain degree, anticipating these commands and delivering your personalized oasis throughout the day.

Secure & Private

A number one concern for many homeowners is how a voice control system stores this type of personal information and data. Of course, no one wants to feel spied on or used for marketing purposes. But Josh promises never to sell your data to second parties - privacy is the brand’s priority. So you can rest assured that any stored information is only used to improve your smart home living experience so that Josh can improve too. 

Come Visit Our Showroom for Price Matches

Our team at Aura Design makes bringing and other AV systems to your home a breeze! Come visit our showroom today to get a feel for our advanced technologies and equipment yourself. We match prices on high-end AV solutions to what you would find at the "Big Box" stores. Except with us, you’ll receive the personalized service you expect from your hometown expert.


Experience the Aura difference today! Our showroom is located at: 1344 Youville Drive, Orleans Ontario. Give our team at Aura Design a call or fill out our online contact form. We can’t wait to see you!

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